The electric and magnetic fields have been amalgamated into electromagnetic field tensor . 电场和磁场合并为电磁场张景。
With this idea the modern notion of the electromagnetic field was born . 紧接着这种见解的出现,关于电磁场的现代观念随之诞生。
However, the theory ignores the interaction between the electron and a quantized electromagnetic field . 不过,该理论忽略了电子与量子化的电磁场之间的相互作用。
It is necessary to correct the inside dimensions of the cavity for the small penetration of the electromagnetic field into the surface of the metal . 由于电磁场会稍稍透入空腔的金属表面,必须对腔的内部尺寸做出修正。
The relativity of moving - charge ' s electromagnetic field 运动电荷电磁场的相对性
Research of electromagnetic field in conductor surface 导体表面上的电磁场研究
The electron state in the periodic electromagnetic field 周期性电磁场中的电子状态
Characteristics of rf ion source electromagnetic field 型放电离子源的场特性
Calculation of electrical motor electromagnetic fields 电机电磁场的数值计算
Hot metal moving fast makes an electromagnetic field 熔化金属快速运动会制造出电磁场
An electromagnetic field (also EMF or EM field) is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It affects the behavior of charged objects in the vicinity of the field.